By Enoden again -2 Enoshima

So the solo excursion continued on the Enoden(Enoshima railway) train.

From Kamakura High School station to Koshigoe station, I was able to see something unusual, though it was only one station ride.

It’s a car with a wooden floor nowadays. The local passengers were used to it and didn’t seem to be interested, but I was so excited. I couldn’t help but get up (or rather crouch down) to take this picture, but I was a little embarrassed and couldn’t take the time to compose and focus the picture, so it turned out to be an odd picture. First of all, not level at aii…

I got off and took a picture of the Enoden running on the combined track section between Koshigoe and Enoshima. Yes, I am a tram lover.

By the way, isn’t it funny that this store in front of Koshigoe station has an empty slot on the shutter “reserved for Banksy”?  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Koshigoe fishing port is a 3-minute walk from the station. I am extremery fond not only of trams but also of boats. I can’t help taking pictures of randomly placed fishing baskets and moored fishing boats.

This is a view of Enoshima Island and Mt. Fuji from the end of a breakwater at a fishing port. It was difficult to compose the image because of the narrow space and the inability to move as desired, but thanks to the shape of the clouds, I managed to get a good picture (or did I?).

What is that little sail up in front of Enoshima isle?  I am not familiar with marine sports.

I was on the breakwater in a strong wind, and I noticed that my body was getting quite cold. left and proceeded immediately from Koshigoe to east Katase beach, and further to west beach with Enoshima on the side.

Mt. Fuji’s high peak beyond Sagami Bay from the west Katase beach. I can finally capture the whole picture with telephoto lens when I come to this area.

In fact, I wanted to take a picture of Enoshima from the west beach to reproduce the scene of the last episode of SLAM DUNK again, but unfortunately, when I went there that day, I found that the whole west area of Enoshima was under construction of sand filling, and I could not enter as I wanted because it was surrounded by a rope fence.

I had no choice but to turn my camera offshore to take pictures of the waves and Mt. Fuji. Here is a shot of the vertical composition.

It was unexpected, but we’ll consider ourselves lucky and OK because we had a beautiful view this time.

The palm trees on Enoshima look a little happy in the winter sun, even though they are being buffeted by the wind.

The color of the sky changes a lot from photo to photo. In addition to the difference in light rays and the difference in color between the SIGMA 17-70 and PENTAX DA55-300 lenses, there seems to be a big difference between when the PL filter attached to each lens works and when it doesn’t (of course it depends on the direction of the rays, but even so it’s not stable…). I wonder if this is the reward for buying only cheap PL products.

Well, I have come all this way, but I don’t have enough time to go to Enoshima isle or stop by the aquarium, and there are other places I want to visit.

Next time, I will walk around Gokurakuji and Hase.
