Satobi-ish custom image

Last time I went around taking only back alley photos of Kagurazaka, I suddenly had an idea. I thought it might be interesting to use Pentax’s custom image “Satobi” for this quiet landscape, as I did a while ago in Ueno Park.

This is what a custom image looks like.

もっと自分を表現しよう。PENTAXの「カスタムイメージ」 | RICOH IMAGING

However, I am a RAW photographer, so I cannot just set my camera to the genuine “Satobi” mode and take out a picture, so I had to use my own “Satobi-ish” profile that I forced myself to create using my favorite RAW development tool, ART.

Let’s get started.
As I thought, it looks pretty good.

When I tried developing RAWs with the “satobi-ish” profile from one side to the other, I felt that there was a clear distinction between those that looked good and those that didn’t.

For example, this is not a bad image. It feels that way from my subjective point of view.

I don’t know if I’m right, but I reasoned that it would be easier to get into a picture where the faded green of the plants is clearly recognizable.

I think that the faded green element is not present in some of the photos because they are city photos, but if you do that, for example, you get something like this, which is a bit pointless…

I have learned that I should keep in mind that the use of “sato-bi” is to photograph a “with greenery”. The greenery does not have to be native, but can be from gardens or potted plants.

Finally, let’s take a look at the comparison between PENTAX’s default “Vivid” (Adobe profile) and “Satobi-ish”.

The original “Vivid” is good at reproducing subtle intermediate colors, but it is mostly a matter of taste and depends on your mood, but “Satobi-ish” is also competitive… right? It’s mostly a matter of taste and mood, but “satobi-ish” is not to be outdone… right?

I forgot to play with custom images for a while, but it’s fun to try it once in a while. Goodness gracious.
