Happy New Year 2024!

I chose a greeting-like title because I unusually chose January 1 as the update date, but the content of the article is nothing new (laugh), and it is an article about filling in for the New Year holidays. I would like to introduce two corner stories that I failed to write about at the end of last year.

The first is this.

I know the image quality is a bit rough because of the high sensitivity, but these are the hot shoe covers that Pentax was giving away as a bonus for participating in their online events. Finally, all colors and letters are available.

I have not been able to use the Q7 much recently, but I may have it appear as a model only on occasions like this (laughs).

Here is another story.

Most people would think, “What’s this? This is a product that Tomoki Iida introduced as one of the “good things I bought this year” (though it is not a camera, lens, or photographic equipment) in his series of articles, “A Drug for Camera Idiots in DCW”. I’m not as good as the cartoonist, but I also have stiff shoulders, so I was curious and bought it.

This is an easy-to-use warming gear: just microwave a pad containing azuki bean grains, warm it up, and place it on your neck and shoulders. Immediately after heating it up, you can relax for about 20-30 minutes with a slight scent of azuki beans and a very gentle feeling. I bought it at the end of the year and have used it several times, and I love it.

Basically, it seems to be a product made for women to suit women’s physique, but if you are as big as I am (medium build with a rather poor neck and shoulder area), it is practical enough for men as well. It is not so expensive, so if you are worried about stiff neck and shoulders, it may be worth a try.

So, I am spending New Year’s loosely.
I will continue to update this blog as I go along this year, so please come back and take a peek from time to time if you like.
