Misaki Maguro Day Trip Ticket -2

I have come to visit the Miura Peninsula on the Keikyu Line using a special ticket. In my last article, I was strolling around the port after enjoying a tuna lunch at Misaki Port.

There is one photo I forgot to post last time. The wooden high-rise building of Misakikan, a long-established ryokan in the area, reminded me of the old Dogo Onsen or Kosekiya in Ginzan Onsen, or even more fantastically, the bathhouse in the movie “Spirited Away”.

Across the street from the Misakikan is the Urari Marche, a market for fresh produce, where you can buy souvenirs.

三崎マグロ 三浦市の産直品売り場 うらり
三浦海業公社が運営し、マグロをはじめ旬の魚介類や野菜などを販売する「産直センター」、多目的イベントスペースの「うみぎょうプレイス、研修・展示室」があります。 また、コンサートや演劇等多目的に利用できる市民ホール「シーサイドホール」が併設されています。

After enjoying shopping, we decided to take a ferry to Jogashima island, the southernmost point of the Miura Peninsula.
It takes about 15 minutes by bus to Jogejima, which is connected by a bridge. The ferry takes about 5 minutes to cross to the other side of the island, which you can see in the photo above. Although the number of ferry services is limited, the ferry is more convenient depending on the time of day, and I simply wanted to take the ferry.

Jogashima is even more remote than Misaki Port. It’s so outdated that it feels rather new, and is now considered photogenic.

I was about to go for a full-fledged stroll along the beach, but the wind suddenly picked up around here and it got very cold. I was already exposed to a lethal dose of pollen, and staying here for a long time might cause unnecessary health problems.

Therefore, I decided to leave early without going too deep into the island we had just crossed. We will take a walk along the coastline when the conditions are better.

One good thing about our short stay. Contrary to the weather forecast, which called for cloudy skies, it turned out to be quite clear, and although it was a little hazy, we were able to see snow-capped Mt. Fuji.

On the route back to Tokyo, we stopped at this store on Miura Beach.

手土産いろいろ 三浦ストア - 三浦COCOON - 京急沿線おでかけサービス
手土産いろいろ 三浦ストア:趣のある調度品をしつらえた店内には、極彩色の瓶づめピクルスとジャムがずらり。地元の高梨農園の獲れたて野菜、果物を使用し、無添加で仕上げている。しっかりした酸味のピクルスは、お酒のお供に。定番、変わりダネを揃えるジャムは、ギフトに喜ばれそう。

I was so pleased with the vegetable pickles and jams made by Takanashi Farm that I wanted to bring some home as a souvenir. The products themselves can be found all over Miura City, but only at this store can you redeem your Misaki Maguro Day Trip Ticket.

After getting the items safely, we walked a few minutes to the beach to take the last picture of this short trip.

The wind was a little cold, but we did our best to wait for the waves to come in good shape.

So, it was a day of enjoying the Miura Peninsura holiday.
Inflation has also spread to this area, and the price has gone up by 20% compared to when I visited two years ago, but I think the package is still attractive enough to keep its appeal. While riding the express train on the way home, I was immediately thinking about when I would come back next.
