Photo life


Cleaning my camera

Let me interrupt telling the "Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Architectural Museum" story. As is typical at the end of the year, I'd like to talk a...

Satobi-ish custom image

Last time I went around taking only back alley photos of Kagurazaka, I suddenly had an idea. I thought it might be interesting to use ...

Sick Leave Notice

This blog has been updated about once every three days in recent years, but I'm going to take a break for a week, or possibly a little...

Fukushima Festival in Shinjuku

Going back about 10 days, I would like to give you a brief report on a Fukushima product exhibition I visited at the Hotel Listel Shin...

Post “Landscape theory”

I went to see a photo exhibition with a somewhat difficult title. The venue was in Yebisu Garden Place, which is still a fashionable s...

Photo print

Well, due to some circumstances, I have hardly taken any photos recently. This is a fill-in-the-blanks topic, in which I tried to prin...

New Kabuki FFX streaming

This is a small story that has little to do with my usual photo blog. In early April, I posted an article about seeing the new Kabuki ...