

Ikegami Plum Garden

It was mid-February, so I went to the Ikegami Plum Garden in Ota Ward to check on the blooming of the plum trees. The weather was mild...

Shinobazu pond & Iwasaki residense garden with prime lens

Looking back, it was a long time ago that I moved to Tokyo from Kansai, and I have been living in Tokyo for quite a long time. However...

Tokyo tower in the autumn sky, etc.

On a warm, sunny day in early November, I walked around Tokyo Tower with Lumix G99 in hand. Shiba Park was crowded with people, attrac...

Red spider lily in the rain

Even though I had gone to the trouble of location scouting in advance, this season's "red spider lily walk" started at Tama Central Pa...

Unexpected outcome

Last week, I decided to become one of "Red spider lily photographers" again this year and went out for location hunting, although I th...

Relaxing summer -3.Pola Museum of Art

This is a continuation of my relaxing Hakone excursion. Being of a certain age, I tend to take my "excursions" more slowly in cooler p...

Relaxing summer -2.Glass Forest Museum

A relaxing and leisurely tour around Hakone. This time, we started from the Glass Forest Museum in Sengokuhara, a famous tourist spot....